Trikki Favorite Books

Does Trikki have favorites?

Yes, I do! It’s sort of like saying I have a favorite child but these are books and they suit different people with different tastes. So, I feel embarrassed to say I do have favorites.

The following comments are of course very much up to how I feel at the time. Some days I identify with one book, other days can be vastly different.

I keep an eye on what gets read and purchased and I try to reconcile that with my own tastes for what I’ve written. It is all a bit of a mind game.

I also feel it’s ‘narcissistic’ when I go back and re-read some of my books, but I can’t help it. I only write about things I enjoy and can identify with.

Anyway, what comes out from my analysis is that that things of my own that I like the best seldom have the same appeal to others. I love ‘Judith’s Awakening’ for example, because it speaks to my feminine side. I just love the whole finding love and romance and breaking out of the routine to find love and something new thing. It feels so exciting when I re-read this one and I kind of wish it was me. Equally, ‘Ricks First Session’ I thought would be least popular and it is strangely the opposite. I wonder if is it people wanting to read about what a pro-domme session in a dungeon is like? Maybe that is it? I can reveal that this book is close to real life, very close (exactly so in some places) and the mistresses name is K…A and she did leave for Europe. Sigh.

Favorite for corporal & Kink

The ‘Strict Learning’ story is my favorite, it takes me back in time to my school days, but it also takes it a lot further.

This is a favorite tale from a finding love basis and throwing in the corporal and then at the end, the bondage makes it appealing. I like it for the corporal and kink.

Fun protagonist and a good story

Mistress Tish every time. She is great. She makes no attempt to be anyone other than herself, is down to earth, loves her work and is just plain fun.

Rick’s First Session and Adam’s Angel were taster books with Mistress Tish as the dominatrix in a fem domme session. These were just ‘taster books’ of Mistress Tish.

Soon to be published is Mistress Tish in ‘Job Offer’ and it is all about her. There are some great corporal sessions in there and the book is worthwhile just to read about ‘Robyn’ having a session. I pulled Robyn from real life, in a previous job, and had a lot of fun with her also. Robyn was a shocker!

Mistress Tish is hugely fun to write for and her exploits please at every level. She;s an Action Gal. The Dommest With The Mostest.

For a happy story

As I said above, for a story that pleases me and offers hope, with people enjoying their life, discovering themselves and an inner shared happiness, ‘Judith’s Awakening’ is very close to my heart.

Every time I read this book I move to where Judith and Rick have a first-time with Rick’s gear and then the happy times between the rubber sheets appeal so much. Damn but that appeals.

Since I’m Getting Older

Getting older really is a pain some times, all those things I can’t do that I did when I was younger, and sometimes I just wish I was in my 20’s again. I’ll never be a model again, damn.

Wouldn’t it be lovely to be young and care free with the world at my feet. Better than that, the thought of knowing what I know now and being young again is fabulously attractive.

Then the thought of really being young again. Actually have the body younger, losing all the effects of age, having the mind razor sharp and crisp… YES PLEASE.

That’s where ‘Young Again’ and Mistress Erica and her strap came from. I’d go there to stay in an instant to look and actually be twenty again and the kink, with what I know now, would be hugely appealing.

My goodness YES PLEASE. Count me in!

Would you want to be 20 again? I’m sure very few people would reject that treatment with all its benefits.

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