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Strict Learning

Written and in the final editing phase, this new BDSM story in a new series is for school corporal punishment devotees.

For those enjoying the heavier BDSM who also want more story and plenty of 'heat' this is sure to please.

In a school for last-chance students where the discipline is very strict, some of the teachers find benefit from the same regime when it is applied by the formidable Ms Smeet.

Of course, a Trikki Watson BDSM story would not be complete without at least one very heavy corporal and bondage session, this time courtesy of Ms Smeet and her new arsenal of implements.

Rest assured, there is plenty of 'hot action' and the caning and strapping are second to none.

Unleashing Morgan – Thank You!

Yes, you guessed it, I’m new to this publishing thing and monitoring my sales far too closely. I just noticed that my new book, Unleashing Morgan has made a sale in the last hour or two.

For those not familiar, it is a BDSM story with quite a bit of sex, corporal punishment and fetish in the storyline. The concept is to re-invent a personality that gives a person a whole lot more pleasure out of life.

Even to me it sounds stupid to blog on a single sale that I make very little money from, but it’s not the money. It is the hope that I’ve created something that gives others pleasure and is worthwhile spending money on.

Whoever you are, thank you. I wouldn’t object to a review and telling some friends. I desperately need it (sorry for the blatant grovel!).


Website change

Well, I’m hating website themes. I’ve changed again to something even more simplistic. The absence of a large background image means it loads faster. I kind of like that. If I see one more ‘call to action’ button I’ll scream. Loudly.

I feel I have little talent for it and what I try to do backfires time and again. I went with a popular domain name company for my hosting and I find it is slow and they insist on putting their name on my site. Also, they restrict the themes I have access to.

I think, now, I will persist with what I have, hobble along till my hosting package terminates then move my content somewhere else and break free. Then again, if I don’t generate enough interest and sales, I might just not bother with a website.

I’ll probably change again in the coming few days.


Updates now live.

I’ve edited both Rick’s First Session and also Adam’s Angel. They are now live on Amazon.

The only real changes to both were a few spelling mistakes, a half dozen syntactic errors and a word here and there which were out of context. It was annoying to see any of these – I do hope those errors didn’t cause a loss of reading pleasure and of course, my apology if they did.

I’m editing Judith’s Awakening in the coming days. If you liked Rick’s First Session, this is a very pleasing follow on book that also returns to the Physicist Dominatrix series in the 3rd book of that series (written but as yet unpublished).


The Long Journey into BDSM

Since ‘Rick’s First Session’ has been so popular, I’m thinking of changing my priorities slightly.

There is another book I’ve had on the back burner for a few years. ‘The Long Journey‘ it’s called. It details the first ever session by a man finally coming to terms with his need for corporal punishment and bondage after decades of denial. I’ll push this forward – releasing earlier in 2018 rather than later as I was considering.

If you like reading about C.P. sessions or are thinking about having a session, or are just plain interested in a person drawn to a C.P. session then this is the book for you. No sex though. It deals with the psyche of a person drawn to BDSM.

Even more than for Rick’s First Session, this is very much a true to life book.

Most Popular BDSM book

Rick’s First Session‘ has been my most popular story. It chronicles a very heavy corporal punishment session in a dungeon with Mistress Tish.
I find it a little surprising. This book has the least amount of sex of all my books and has the simplest of story lines, yet it is most popular.
I’m thinking that it offers a better and realistic look at a pro domme corporal punishment and leather fetish session – and maybe the self bondage at the end is popular.
For those who liked this book – I’m editing it fixing some typos and minor mistakes. Nothing major. It was my first book.
Also, Rick features heavily in “Judith’s Awakening” and also has a session in Book-3 of the Physicist Dominatrix series.

Strict Learning / Fetish Friday

These 2 books are in preparation for publishing late 2017 or early 2018. Both have been worked on for the last 2 years and both follow on in the themes of BDSM and sexuality.

Strict Learning

This larger book details the corporal punishment at a school for wayward students needing discipline and direction in their lives. Not content to discipline all who are sent to her office Ms Smeet is always happy to discipline the teachers, the parents and returning alumni. A growing stable of those needing discipline finds her up to the task of applying her prison strap, belt, cane and tawse.

This is close to a traditional school-CP type novella.

Fetish Friday

This continues the story of Judith and Rick and their delicious exploration of BDSM related sex and fetish. Judith never would have believed just how much fun and how well it would fit her inner self. Rick’s special little hobby brings out something new in her, something that gives her a new dimension, and let’s not forget the rubber sheets. Then, when they have established a regular Friday night routine, Jill discovers a whole lot more than she imagines.

If you’ve read ‘Judiths Awakening’ then you’ll like this perhaps more. There is plenty of ‘action’ with a busy story line.